As-Salāmu 'Alaykum Dear community members -
Ramadan Kareem! The blessed month is upon us, and may Allah guide us to make use of this blessed month the most 🤲
ICP, as part of the larger CPCOM (Central Pennsylvania Committee of Masasjid), decided that Ramadan at the ICP community starts Saturday, March 1, 2025, and our first Taraweeh prayers at ICP will be on Friday, Feb 28, evening.
Here are some details that we'd like to share with you all about Ramadan activities at ICP,
Isha Prayer
Isha prayer will start right after the athan of Isha. Please note the time change. For accurate Salah timings please check our website, and while there "follow" the Masjid to get notified of important information.
Taraweeh Prayers
Right after the Isha prayer we'll start the Taraweeh prayers. Taraweeh prayers this year also will be led by Shaykh Ibrahim from Pakistan, along with our local youth Huffadh. Masha'Allah, we are blessed with so many young huffadh in our community and we are having them participate and lead the prayers in the future, In shā Allāh. Because of the parking options we recommend you to be at the Masjid at least 15 mins before the Salah time.
Even though we have plenty of spaces to park our cars around the Masjid, Alhamdulillah, we mostly run tight during Ramadan. There'll be volunteers helping with parking, please be patient with them and follow their instructions. They know what they are doing and we just have to be considerate.
There'll be more kids at the Masjid during Ramadan, and please be mindful when you pull your car out of the parking lot, or driving through. Please watch your speed within the Masjid campus.
Ramadan Topography
Here's a little overview of the facilities at ICP and some of the changes during Ramadan.

Iftars will be conducted at ICP on every Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. After Maghrib, the food will be served in the Iftar tents for brothers, and at the old Musallah building for sisters. Please be considerate of the food you take and don't waste any food.
Water Bottles
During Iftars and Taraweeh prayer times we consume a lot of water bottles at ICP. Please be considerate of the damage the plastic bottle causes to our environment and try to minimize usage of it as much as possible or needed. If you take a water bottle please try to finish it and throw it in the appropriate recycle bins.
We need to be vigilant during this month and if you see any suspicious activities or behaviors from someone please reach out of any of the Shura' members or anyone else in the community. Don't be silent, protect yourself and help protect others.
Your Masjid needs your support, always! We can't sustain many of the programs and services we have at the Masjid without your support. Please consider supporting your Masjid during this blessed month of Ramadan. Click the button below to donate.