Food bank is open on demand basis through out the year. Please contact ICP management for more details.
Food bank is open on demand basis through out the year. Please contact ICP management for more details.
Food bank is open on demand basis through out the year. Please contact ICP management for more details.
Food bank is open on demand basis through out the year. Please contact ICP management for more details.
Food bank is open on demand basis through out the year. Please contact ICP management for more details.

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ICP Jumaah Salah Registration - Friday, Nov 5th, 2021 - Please register

Assalaam Alaikum, As you all know, COVID-19 is still not over and is increasing in near by areas. As a result, we are continuing the process of social distancing and wearing masks especially in public domain. Please fill this form to register yourself and your family in order to perform Jumaah salah at ICP premises on Friday, Nov 5th, 2021 (11/05/2021) Please note that we are gathering this information in order to follow social distancing guidelines due to current COVID-19 situation and also due to limited capacity at the masjid. Please follow these new rules to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all members:- - Khutbah starts at 12:45 pm and Salah starts at around 12:55 pm. - Maximum capacity is 150. - All Attendees should be between 13 and 70 years old. - Please stay home if you are sick, have any serious health issues, have sore throat, cough or any symptoms related to COVID-19 or flu. - Must come with mask and wear it all time (No Exceptions). - Must come with wudu. - Must bring your prayer rug (No Exceptions). - Come on time (not before 12:40 pm), leave immediately after the prayer, pray sunnah at home. - Keep social distance. Insha Allah, we will perform prayer outside if weather permits.

Ends: Fri, Nov 05 2021


You can select only one option
12:45 pm - 01:15 pm

14 of 150 taken

If you've responded to this registration already, thank you. If you've missed it please make sure to respond the sooner you get the notification about a registration request, in'shaa'Allah. We definitely value your opinion, and you response really helps us plan things better.