Need Volunteers for Eid Setup
As'Salaamu Alaiykum Dear Brothers -
Alhamdhulillah, ICP is getting ready to organize Eid-ul-Fitr Salah at the Masjid campus and we need volunteers to help make this event a better one insha'Allah.
We primarily need brothers for pre-event and post-event.
Pre-event help includes,
- cleanup the Masjid parking lot area of any debris
- cleanup Masjid interior
- spread the padding
- spread the tarp after Fajr on Eid day
- setup tables for light refreshments
- setup audio equipment
Post-event help includes,
- cleanup the tarp for any debris
- roll the tarp and padding
- cleanup the tables
- put the tables back into the Masjid storage area
- packup the audio equipment
These are just high level activities but there's always a need for some help during the day time on Eid day till the Salah. If you can volunteer please signup so we know who we can count on insha'Allah.
Shukran, Jazak'Allahu Kh'airan.
- ICP Events Committee
1 volunteer(s) have signed up
Volunteer Signups for this request has closed since this request was in the past.
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I can help with the audio setup...pre and post event insha'Allah.
I have a back issue, can I help in any other form?